Introduction to Fashion Design

Introduction to Fashion Design

A fashion designer is someone who is in charge of the creative parts of product development, such as conceptualizing ideas, sketching clothing and accessory designs, and researching emerging fashion trends as well as general trends in fabrics, sewing details, and finishes.

A designer may also attend trade exhibits and supplier-related events to learn about new supply and material trends and innovations.
Designers might work independently or as part of a team. Designers who start their own labels are often referred to as Creative Directors. In general, there are two types of designers:

*A full-time employee of a company who works as an “in-house” designer.
*A freelance designer is a person who sells their designs to a company or a brand.

If you decide to go with a private label, you’ll need to figure out who will be in charge of design, as they’ll need to be familiar with sewing and construction. Those with a talent for sewing or pattern-making may opt to do it themselves. If you don’t have the necessary technical abilities, you can employ a fashion designer to bring your ideas to life.

However, believe it or not, being how to sew isn’t the most important aspect of having a fashion business. Understanding what the consumer wants is the real key to a successful fashion business!

Understanding the design process, on the other hand, is critical for creating a systematic product development process. We’ll break down the design stages in this chapter, from concept generation to the creation of your first sample.